Antixshop aim to despatch orders within 48 hours from receipt of payment. Orders to UK addresses will be sent with tracking information to the address associated to the payment method (unless otherwise agreed) The delivery agent will make two attempts to deliver the goods, if they are not successful it will be the responsibility of the purchaser to collect the goods from an agreed address or pay a further delivery cost. You own the goods once we have received payment in full.
Antixshop cannot be held responsible if the purchaser is not available to receive their order or the address given is incorrect. Contact information is recommended. Data protection is guaranteed.
Antixshop aim to provide speedy hassle-free shopping, but we know sometimes things go wrong. We will bend over backwards to put things right if this happens, so any queries can be raised with our Sales Team [email protected] or call us on (+44) 01932-660599.
International Delivery
We are pleased to offer shipping worldwide, delivery charge starts from £16.00. Please contact our Sales Team for specific costs.